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Frequently Asked Questions
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If you want to add a new item please send the details to the Digital Media Manager
How do I join the club / become a member?Visit the 'Join Us' page and select the link that takes you to the registration page on the British Cycling web site. Once you have confirmation, register on the web site (see FAQ item on how to do this) and the Membership Secretary will then review your subscription and approve your membership access to the site. You will then get notification of this approval via e-mail and you can the proceed to download the members app (see FAQ item on how to do this).
How much is membership?To see the cost of membership and a summary of the benefits of being a member, go to the 'Join Us' section.
How do I get access to the members area on the web site?If you are a subscribed member to Belper BC then you can register, be approved and gain access to the members area on the web site. Full instructions on how to register can be found here.
I didn't recieve an e-mail after registration to the web site?First check your junk e-mail. If you still can't find it, please contact the digital media manager.
How do I get access to the Members app?First you must make sure you have registered to the web site. Once this has been approved and you can successfully log in then you can start the process below to get access to the Members App. Visit the Google Play or Apple app stores and download the 'WIX FIT' app. Once downloaded to your device you should be able to login using an invite code and entering the credentials you used to log into the web site. Full instructions on how to do this can be found here.
I can't remember my password to login to the web site/members app?If you need to re-login to the web site/members app but have forgotten your password, open the Belper BC web site in a browser, select the Login option and use the 'Forgot Password' link on the Login screen. This will send an e-mail with a link where you can reset your password.
How can I change my e-mail address?Select your profile picture and choose the 'Profile' option. Then choose to 'Edit' your profile and change any field values including your e-mail address. Remember to save the changes. Note: If you want to change the e-mail address that you use to login to the site, then please contact the Digital Media Manager.
When logging in to the web site it says I'm blocked!To access the members part of the web site you have to be a subscribing member. When your subscription ends your account will be blocked. If you have a valid subscription and are blocked then please contact the Membership Secretary who will unblock your account. NOTE: When renewing your club membership subscription you will get 1 months notice after the subscription cut-off date. If subscription has not been renewed after this period your account will be blocked.
Is there a way to make my member profile private?Yes, on the web site, select your profile and scroll down to the 'profile visibility' section. Click the 'Make Profile Private' link. NOTE: You will lose some interactivity with other members e.g. chat, follow functions, notifications etc. For the help guide on changing profiles click here.
What is the clubs policy for ensuring my personal information is kept private?You can read the clubs privacy policy here. You can read the clubs GDPR statement here.
Do I need to use the Members App?No you don't have to, everything can be done via the web site (if you register). But, the members app is more convenient to view and manage dynamic content and also has an improved notification alert system. It replaces the Facebook Members site and because it is a single channel for Belper BC related content you will find it much easier to navigate and find things. We forsee that over a period of time the Members App will be the main point of interaction with other members, all dynamic content and the fully integrated web site.
How do I switch off e-mail notifications from postings on the web site / members app?When postings are made on the web site / members app, you will get e-mail notifications. To change this, follow these instructions.
How do I adjust notification settings in the members app?When postings are made on the web site / members app you will get notification alerts. To change this, follow these instructions.
Updates don't appear in my Members app?If this happens or the app becomes unresponsive, fully close the app and re-open it. Note: It is recomended that you fully close the app from time to time so that you pick up any changes to it's design look and feel
Is the 'Chat' function in the Members App completely private?Yes, not even the web owner can see any personal 'chat' messages between members.
What data about me is stored on the web site and who can view this.We only ask for your first name, last name and e-mail address. Of course, you can populate other fields in your profile but that is entirely your choice. We do recomend you add a profile picture. All registered members can see these details. To understand the BelperBC privacy policy click here.
How do I create an item on the Club Blog?Club Blog publication is outward facing to the general public - posting here must obey certain rules and so has been limited to a few individuals. If you feel you have a post that is applicable to the Club Blog, use the '+Request Blog Post' button on the club blog web site page. Fill in the details and enter submit - this will be sent for review and if acceptable will be published.
What is the 'Member Posts' page used for?The 'Member Posts' page is a community area for all members and is a place where non public facing information for club members can be posted. Posting is open to all registered members and can be done from the web site or members app. WIX Forums are used for this functionality and the posts should be placed into the relevant forum category and anyone following the forum category will get notification of the new post. If the site moderators feel a post is in the wrong forum category they will inform the member who posted it and move it to the correct category. Posts can be anything e.g. questions to members, discussion after an event, items to sell, interesting external events etc. Important information about Member posts: This page is only viewable by members who have registered to the web site and is designed to be a member community area. It is mandatory to select a category when making a post. Any registered member can post in here. Any registered member can comment or like any post. By default, posts are sorted by recent activity, so even if a comment is made on a post it will move higher in the list Examples of how the Member Posts can work: You are going to join an external event e.g. Rapha 500 and want to know if anyone else is interested. Create a post in the 'Other Stuff' category and add a title, description, photographs and url links. Members can then respond to your post. You have an item to sell and you want to make it available to club members. Create a new post in the Buying and Selling category adding pictures, title, and description. Members can then comment on the post if they have questions or are interested in buying. Remember to remove the post when sold or a fair period of time has elapsed. You have been out on a club ride and you want to post some pictures from it. Create a new post in the Club Rides section choosing the right Ride category, e.g. 'Saturday Club Ride' for your post. Enter an appropriate title, description and pictures. If you want to add a video, publish the video on YouTube or similar and provide the link in the description of the post. You want to gauge interest on who will be attending a club organised social ride. You are doing your own ride and want to invite other members to join you. You want to ask a question on any particular subject.
On the 'Member Posts' page, what are the forum categories and which ones should I follow?The 'Member Posts' page uses WIX Forum functionality. Areas in the forum are categorised. Some have one level, and some have sub levels called subcategories. Following a forum category will give you the option to get notified when other members publish posts or comment on your own posts. For a guide on what each categories is used for and which ones we recommend you follow, click here.
On the 'Member Posts' page I want a new category in the forum, what do I do?"We hope the categories support all club discussion, however if you feel the current categories need adjusting or a new one adding, please contact the Digital Media Manager and submit your idea.
How do I create a post on the 'Member Posts' page?On the 'Member Posts' page on the web site or in the section in the Members App, select the 'Create New Post' button. Please take care to choose the appropriate category so discussion is channeled in the correct place and members who follow the category are notified of the posting. For instructions on how to post in the members forum click here.
What are 'Groups' used for?These are for members to to organise discussion about a particular subject. Any member can create a group, which if then accepted by the digital media manager will be available on the web site and in the members app. The organiser of the group can then: Invite members Only allow members to access the group if they have joined an entry on the event calendar Open the Group to all members Below are 2 examples of how the Groups can work: There is a particular event e.g. 'Away Weekend', where only a subset of members will attend but all the communication is held in a single place and not spread across social media, e-mail etc. Separate topics can be created in the group to organise discussion. Content can also be posted after the event e.g. photos etc. There is an open members event e.g. 'Christmas Ride' where discussion can take place before the event and content posted after the event. Separate topics can be created in the group to organise discussion.
How do I create a new Group?Any registered member can create a Group from either the web site or members app by selecting the 'Create Goup' button. Initially a request will go to the site moderators for approval, and once approved it will be available on the web site and members app. The member requesting the group can then set up their own topics, invite other members etc.
Updates don't appear on the web site?Web browsers can cache data so it is prudent to refresh your browser regularly to update this cache.
The web site doesn't render properly on my screen.The development of the web site has been tested on various devices and web browsers. We cannot test for every scenario but often the issue is because of the setting in your web browser, e.g. magnification, accessibility settings etc. If you are still having issues, contact the Digital Media Manager. NOTE: We recomend not to use Microsoft Internet Explorer as this is now an unsupported web browser.
Can I upload videos?Please avoid uploading videos to any dynamic content. These take up a lot of storage space which is currently limited to 10gb. Instead we advise you to provide a link to the video e.g. to YouTube or Facebook.
How do I create an event?Due to current permission limitations, creation of events can only be done by a few individuals. However you can complete and submit an Event Request Form and someone will create the event on your behalf. Go to the Events page on the web site or the Events section in the members app and select the '+ Request Event' button.
What does 'Follow' a member mean?Following another member will allow you to use the 'chat' (messenger) function between that member and yourself. You will also get alerts when that member posts content.
The members app is showing the message 'There's a technical problem on our end' when I try to post/reply to a comment and will not let me publish it.This will occasionally happen and is a bug in the app. The error has been sent to WIX support and hopefully will be fixed in a future release. Closing and opening the app can normally sort these, but it is still worth feeding anything back to the digital media rep so we can raise further tickets with the support team.
The members app can sometimes be slow to update?The app is fully functional and a great bonus to the club. However, it is a new development and you may experience small issues in some scenarios. Closing and opening the app can normally sort these, but it is still worth feeding anything back to the digital media rep so we can raise tickets with the support team.
Posts in the 'Event Discussion' on the members app are not being displayed correctly?In the members app only, when viewing an event there is an option to create 'Discussion' posts against it. We have noticed that sometime these posts are visible and sometimes not -often accompanied with a technical error message. This issue was noticed during the pre-launch stage and a support ticket was raised with WiX. They have acknowledged there is an issue and have passed it to their development team. Until this is resolved, please post any questions about an event in the relevant Forum Category - this also means any members not yet using the app will see them too.
What is the role of a 'Ride Organiser'?The person who takes on this role is not responsible for the cyclists on the ride. They are there to give out clear instructions, welcome new riders and ensure the group of riders follow the club etiquette.
What happens if rider has a serious accident whilst on a ride?The emergency services must be called immediately and two or more riders must stay with the injured rider. The riders must: Ensure the injured rider is kept safe and comfortable and if the injuries are serious, in the recovery position with insulation between them and the ground If the riders smart phone is easily accessible, see if it has ICE information available and inform the emergency services when they arrive. If not on the phone check for ICE details in the saddle bag. See how to access this ICE information from a smart phone here - iOS, Android Pass information about the incident to the emergency services Get the details of all other parties involved or witnesses to the incident. It is a legal requirement that they provide them. This will include the contact and insurance details of the driver(s), plus the make, model and registration number of their vehicle(s) – car details can be hugely valuable in the unlikely event the driver provides bogus personal information. You should not have any discussion with the other party with regard to liability, (advice from British Cycling). The reason is that even meaningless knee-jerk British apologies could be used against you later as an admission of liability. In addition to this, Cycling UK advises you to beware of the ‘professional delinquent driver’, who will quickly reposition their vehicle so its new location appears innocent, often on the pretext of ‘moving it out of the way’. Embarrass that driver by loudly pointing out this ploy to passers-by. Take many photos of the incident including parked cars, road markings etc. A rider does not have to escort the injured rider to hospital, it is better to ensure equipment and belongings are safely retrieved.
What happens if a rider breaks our rules of conduct whilst representing the club?The committee will be informed and will ask representation from the member themeselves. Further proceedings will take place to understand the nature of the issue and to come to an effective conclusion.
What do we do if we lose someone whilst out on the ride?We make every effort for this not to happen, however if it does: Try contacting the rider if you have their contact details The group must wait for a period of time and one or two riders should track back to ensure the rider is OK. Note: With the 'Whats App' group, you may try sending the lost rider a 'chat' message.
What advice do you give for riders carrying 'In Case of Emergency' (ICE) details whilst out on a ride?In-line with emergency response personnel advise we recomend the following: ICE details provide emergency responders useful information about the patient. Whether they need/use these details at the scene of an accident depends on the scale of injury etc. but having this information to hand is certainly useful in many circumstances, even when the patient reaches the hospital. If the emergency responders feel they need these details they will first check for medic alert wrist bands/neck chains on the patient. Secondly they will check the patients mobile phone for the ICE information which they can do from the lock screen without a passcode. Finally they will check any storage device such as wallets/purses/handbags. We strongly advice to put your ICE details into your mobile smart phone: Both Android and iOS devices have a way of entering and retrieving this information easily. See the following links for guidance on how this can be done. iOS,Android ICE services can hold all information that emergency services need ICE information is easily accessed from your smart phones lock screen without needing a pass code For help in understanding what you should do if a fellow rider has an accident, see the appropariate FAQ under the 'Rides' category.
I want to organise a ride, how do I get feedback and publicise it?"Firstly, go into the forums and in the 'Club Rides - Other Rides' category post a message asking for feedback and interest. If there is interest, the details can be specified and maintained in the post itself. Or if you feel it should be publicised more widely, then go to the 'Events' page and choose '+ Request Event' to get it added to the event calendar.
How do I join the 'Belper Bicycle Club' in ZwiftZwift has created club functionality allowing cycling clubs to create their own organized area for Zwift events, club chat and list Zwift activities done by club members. Find and join the Belper Club and you can easily subscribe to events and join other club members riding these events. Detailed instructions of how to join can be found here:
How can I wirelessly sync the routes from RidewithGPS to my GPS device?For both Wahoo and Garmin GPS units there is a way of automatically syncing routes from your RidewithGPS account - this includes the routes in the BelperBC collections if you have 'followed' these and can see these in your RidewithGPS account (see next FAQ). For Garmin devices you will use the Connect IQ App that is installed on your GPS device and the Garmin Connect App installed on your smartphone. For Wahoo devices the synchronisation is done via the Companion App installed on your smart phone. Explanation of how you can wirelessly sync routes can be found here. Detailed instructions using: Garmin Connect and IQ app can be found here Wahoo Element app can be found here Note: For Garmin devices you are limited to a maximum of: 100 'courses' on your device 10 pinned routes wireless synced to your device 10 recently edited routes wirelessly synced to your device Note: For Wahoo devices each time you pin a new route in RidewithGPS you will have to perform a manually sync .
How can I see the 'Belper BC Club Collections' from my own RideWithGPS account?From the 'Rides / Routes' page, navigate to the Route Collection you want to access. When the Collection appears, click the 'Follow Collection' button. Log in to your Ridewith GPS account if prompted. The Collection will now appear in your own RidewithGPS Collections list - it will have an indication that it is a Belper BC collection
I have a new route that the club might like?We always welcome new and interesting routes. Please send the details to the Ride Officer suggesting the collection it would likely be stored. If a new collection is required e.g. MTB routes please suggest this too.
I have a suggestion to improve an existing route - what do I do?Please send your suggestion to the Ride Officer with an indication of the route and collection.
As a marshall for the Time Trials, how do you I use the timing software 'RaceClocker'?Watch the tutorials on YouTube using the links below: Sign-In Marshall: How to Sign-in Riders to Compile the Roster: Sign-In Marshall: How to Send the Roster to Timing Marshalls: Start Line Marshall: How to Record Start Times for Riders: Split Point Marshall: How to Record Split Times for Riders: Finish Line Marshall: How to Record Finish Times for Riders:
How do I reserve one of the club bike boxes?Go to the Bike Box hire page on the web site and review the current reserved dates. If there is an available slot for your dates, complete and submit the reservation request form You will then be contacted to confirm the dates and be asked to complete the purchase of the hire in the on-line store entering the number of days required (remember to double this if 2 boxes are required). Once the payment has been received, you will see your reservation in the list (could take a few days to update).
I have reserved one of the bike boxes - where do I pick up / drop off?When you submit the hire request, the lender of the boxes will contact you to confirm the dates and ask for payment and provide their contact details. If you have mislaid these, then use the 'Contact Us' button on the Bike Box hire page to get back in contact with the lender.
How do I cancel / change my bike box reservation?Please contact the lender. The lender will ask the digital media manager to remove/adjust the reservation from the list.
How do I get/use Discord for Belper BC indoor riding?Discord is an app that allows riders to chat whilst riding indoors. Belper BC has a specific server that members can access and chat with fellow members. Instructions on how to: Find and download the Discord App Register to the app and connect to the Belper BC server Use the text and voice channels on the Discord server Can be found here:
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