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Writer's pictureBelperBC

‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) advice

With the poor state of the local road conditions and the forthcoming change in the season we thought it wise to remind members to ensure they have their ICE details with them whilst out on a ride.


ICE details provide emergency responders useful information about the patient. Whether they need/use these details at the scene of an accident depends on the scale of injury etc. but having this information to hand is certainly useful in many circumstances, even when the patient reaches the hospital.


If the emergency responders feel they need these details they will first check for medic alert wrist bands/neck chains on the patient. Secondly they will check the patients mobile phone for the ICE information which they can do from the lock screen without a passcode. Finally they will check any storage areas such as wallets, purses etc.


We strongly advice that you put your ICE details into your mobile smart phone:

  • Both Android and iOS devices have a way of entering and retrieving this information easily. See the following links for guidance on how this can be done:

  • ICE services can hold all information that emergency services need

  • ICE information is easily accessed from your smart phones lock screen without needing a pass code

Another useful tool is What3Words. This gives a precise location which can be given to the Emergency Services (over 85% use in UK) and is very useful when in rural areas. It can be used via a web browser or a mobile app. Make yourself familiar with this as it could be a lifesaver for you and your fellow riders.

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1 Comment

Richard Thoday
Richard Thoday
Oct 06, 2024

I used what three words when I broke my hip out on the trail, ambulance service couldn’t pin point me without that or a grid reference, when you need it you’ll be glad you had it on your phone

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